Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Small Sailboats How Do I Learn To Sail A Small Sailboat Without ASA Lessons?

How do I learn to sail a small sailboat without ASA lessons? - small sailboats

I'll buy something like a Zuma Sailboat 13 'and wants to learn to navigate the reality. But the lessons here (Beach, CA) are all about the "certification" and costs 500 to $ 700 and are to participate for the club from his "boat" ... It seems a little excessive. Where can I learn to drive a boat, learned only in the Bay without learning how to sail on a keelboat 25 'and on the menu, etc.. seems to be coming to the next, more and more to learn to sail?

Is there an online source for me started, what to make the leap and me, and tests? I read a decent book .. What are the real benefits of spending a lot of money in a school?

1 comment:

The Capn said...

As someone who is teaching in the minimal, as was surfing, I can not stress enough how important it is to receive adequate training, especially if you go sailing anywhere near any other boat, power or a candle. You need to be confident enough to sail the boat in any direction on the country conditions, and how to enforce traffic laws (at least not * Note: sailing always * has the right of way). While is a yacht club to * learn * to navigate too high, you should be able to provide a navigation program available for the community assistance. If the "Teach Yourself" How to choose a day in moderate wind and little traffic, wear a life jacket, and look for the boat, what is said. If you think you are taking are a good thrashing in the water, then you're probably wrong.

My final advice - do not make the mistake of beginners to sail from his first spring-Lee until you are sure to sail against the wind efficiently enough to back. Otherwise, you're in a looooong day:)

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