Friday, December 11, 2009

Elbow Pain More Condition_symptoms Elbow Pain? ..........?

Elbow pain? ..........? - elbow pain more condition_symptoms

Then I went to my room with my arms / hands to scratch at his neck and press the sweet spot between the two bones in the corner of the wall that stands in my closet. Initially, it was the pain that you get when you hit your "funny bone", but 10 times worse.

I thought it was funny, my bones much more difficult than ever before, what would happen to accept the pain a little longer than usual. but I've had this pain now for about an hour. and just as bad.

I can not even bend or twist the arm to all without increasing pain. the worst pain when you try to bend the arm (hand to) i shoulder twice spent about 80 degrees without unbearable pain.

Pain is not where I hit them where it hurts worse when I am around him, but the pain in and around the area of the bones and muscles in my arms near the elbow.

So my question is ... Could nerve pain? Tendons or ligaments or damage?

seems as if he'd be so nervous. I dWere known and their very unbearable.

Please ask if you want more information:)

thank yall!

1 comment:

Zapper36... said...

They can be dislocated elbow? I've never broken anything, or even a fracture, but the trip certainly something. Maybe even broken. If you are sensitive to touch, I would consult a doctor if it feels different, then an elbow, I should see a doctor. If none of them are true, you go see a doctor.

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