Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Newborn Facial Flushing Newborn Facial Expression?

Newborn Facial Expression? - newborn facial flushing

Hello, my daughter three weeks makes a strange face when she sleeps. It goes all the sudden "Smile" and her eyes were half open, and yet remain at the head. She trembled as she does. He totally freaks me out because I think that is having convulsions. Everything he does, if they (she sleeps is also willing to open their eyes in sleep regularly). I asked the midwife about it and said if I touch your face while she and sets their attacks. It does not stop when I touch your face. Does anyone else in the newborn is it? What is fever?


praisehi... said...

The newborn is the "Hand of God" and fresh even in the dream, remember.

I know a woman who is 3 years old, has had several heart surgeries, his first year of life.
While in the football game from an older sister of a storm began to get into the mother took her daughter and said, "feel" storm in the air.
The 3-year-old smiled and said: "I know, Mom." Smells like God when he kissed me and the smell told me not to worry. "

Treasure the memory of his daughter and his innocence, an overview of what will be long forgotten.

praisehi... said...

The newborn is the "Hand of God" and fresh even in the dream, remember.

I know a woman who is 3 years old, has had several heart surgeries, his first year of life.
While in the football game from an older sister of a storm began to get into the mother took her daughter and said, "feel" storm in the air.
The 3-year-old smiled and said: "I know, Mom." Smells like God when he kissed me and the smell told me not to worry. "

Treasure the memory of his daughter and his innocence, an overview of what will be long forgotten.

SpaGirl said...

My niece used to do this and would really frighten me. Something does not deter them. Basically, this is how your body moves only sleep when they. Now that I went through the training of massage, which we all crawl sometimes when liquid over the backbone of our spine. It is perfectly normal. Moreover grow. Practically, when it begins to have more control over his body, and about 6 months.

Amber H said...

When babies are born, their neurological development is not yet fully and is in continuous development for some time at a rapid pace. So, what we see is probably the brain at work and the firing of muscles in the face of his daughter .. something like a wink. Even if we are to get on flash use, especially involuntarily.

My oldest son has done, and my second son, who is at the age of 4 weeks, this. Personally, I would be more worried if a child could not do it because it's a problem with the nerves. At least with involuntary contractions, you know that the nervous system is working properly.

And he spoke of her midwife if you stop when you touch your face and that is the case then it is probably not a medical problem. Most neurological disorders are often accompanied by visual or physical, there would be a serious problem that was noted at birth, neurological, accompanied, if routine, well-being of the newborn. Although it is likelynothing to fear, I suggest you discuss with your pediatrician.

Annabell... said...

I think this is pretty normal. The babies are all kinds of faces when they sleep. It is also normal if you see a start no reason to.
Enjoy your new little ones :-)

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