Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Apollo Real Estate Investment Was The Moon Landing Of Apollo 11 Fake Or Real?

Was the moon landing of apollo 11 fake or real? - apollo real estate investment

Supporting them with evidence and detail


Clavius said...

The Apollo 11 mission, and all the other Apollo missions were real.

The proof - and there is a mountain of it - is available in over 40 years and is a proof that the conspiracy theorists have dealt with it (and ignorant), trying to explain to a distance of 40 years. In other words, do not prove the conspiracy theorists, that was wrong, but simply handwave a ridiculous exercise to try to show why should not "rely on NASA."

N astrophyscist qualified opinion that the radiation was too strict.

No analyst believes that the photo of the photographs were classified as false.

No qualified engineer believes that the team would not work.

A qualified geologist believes that the Apollo samples are not the moon.

We have seen a mountain of evidence and theory of conspiracy. They are simply trying to say, that was produced by deception. If you opposi-proof so similar - that is, trying to explain that some other hypothesis is responsible for our observations - thenhave the burden of proof. The conspiracy theorists who say that's a lie back with evidence and details, which occur. I was interrogated for ten years and so far they have.

If you can show me some credibility, have sources of evidence for the moon landings were faked described, then we'll talk. Otherwise, I'll leave it on my website to answer detailed questions.

And a warm welcome to our cowardly passive-aggressive categorically that all the voices of non-response for false alarm, but offer nothing better to answer them.

Urwumpe said...


Detail: Apollo 11 landed on the moon, not the first flight of the Apollo program. Any attempt flight of Apollo (with the exception of Apollo 1), the next step in the direction of the moon with Apollo 8 flight around the moon first manned spacecraft Apollo 10 landing on the moon, almost like a final test of the lunar module (landing module the Apollo). After Apollo 11, 5 new missions landed on the moon and Saturn V rocket is also used to launch Skylab.

And the Soviets did not deny the landings to put, though problems with its own lunar landing program had, and I liked Apollo 11 is a fatal mistake when they begin their late start behind his can to the moon.

But when Apollo 11 landed, the Soviets were the first to the United States and NASA congratulations.

In addition, Apollo 11 was only by NASA and the Soviets, but also from a German observatory in Bochum, which is the independent confirmation of the landing and communication must not be tampered with.

Urwumpe said...


Detail: Apollo 11 landed on the moon, not the first flight of the Apollo program. Any attempt flight of Apollo (with the exception of Apollo 1), the next step in the direction of the moon with Apollo 8 flight around the moon first manned spacecraft Apollo 10 landing on the moon, almost like a final test of the lunar module (landing module the Apollo). After Apollo 11, 5 new missions landed on the moon and Saturn V rocket is also used to launch Skylab.

And the Soviets did not deny the landings to put, though problems with its own lunar landing program had, and I liked Apollo 11 is a fatal mistake when they begin their late start behind his can to the moon.

But when Apollo 11 landed, the Soviets were the first to the United States and NASA congratulations.

In addition, Apollo 11 was only by NASA and the Soviets, but also from a German observatory in Bochum, which is the independent confirmation of the landing and communication must not be tampered with.

david_bo... said...

really. as a civil war, the Roman Empire and the last ice age.

wants evidence and information? Or you just want something with a lot of half-baked conspiracy theory crap that "say test" the landing was a fake firing.
I would say that if the landing was a fake, the Soviet Union had told everyone. Remember the USSR? Or was fake?
So many people and so far that the landing occurred, six of them that only someone who would be very naive, poverty is easy to refute the conspiracy nuts as "proof swallow" that the landing did not occur.

mightasw... said...

It is very concrete. If you want proof, you can go to the Johnson Space Center in Houston. They have a stone on the screen that he had been one of the Apollo missions. In addition, we rely on transmissions received from the moon, had lazer beam from ground stations. The signal is us in the instruments, the Apollo astronauts left back. There are also film and television can be purchased The site contains photos from NASA and the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal site has all photos of all the missions of the Apollo moon landing 6th

Sorry, platforms, because it has the actual landings, no evidence was faked.

mightasw... said...

It is very concrete. If you want proof, you can go to the Johnson Space Center in Houston. They have a stone on the screen that he had been one of the Apollo missions. In addition, we rely on transmissions received from the moon, had lazer beam from ground stations. The signal is us in the instruments, the Apollo astronauts left back. There are also film and television can be purchased The site contains photos from NASA and the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal site has all photos of all the missions of the Apollo moon landing 6th

Sorry, platforms, because it has the actual landings, no evidence was faked.

Raymond said...

The moon landing hoax is a hoax. The evidence is not evidence that the moon landing was a fraud, than the actual cost of inspection.

The jokes seem to be a part of American popular culture in those days. It seems that if you can not accept people, stupid ideas, invented a trick to minimize the ideas of others.

The beauty of the running gag is that you are not honest with the facts (see all the lies about the "End of the World" written in 2012), may react with "Oh yeah?" Really? "Well, it is his" theory "and say he is an intelligent answer.

Also, if we ever prove that your application for, say, invent an exaggeration, just another (the big hoax is Off 2012 should increase the reach).

Hoax landing on the moon (in its current version) is from the people want to be kept alive in order to destroy confidence in the American social fabric. In some ways, is a form of "Spirit of Terrorism and knowledge", as practicedinside.

I use the word terrorism because they can not cause damage and destruction, the children (and many adults), fear of the future [for Example, the "black hole in the LHC-SE - to devour the earth" deception known that at least one suicide causes] mistrust of the information was real, and ready, from what goes on the subject religion in North America are brainwashed.

Please note that the benefits of these systems and the evidence and information you need.

Venus 1485AD said...

Real! Common sense about the moon landing was faked, which was started by a Fox TV show, which I heard. Scientists have refuted again and again. Some people have given ample evidence that the moon landing was real. No need to repeat. I see two inches lower for people who say that the moon landing was real. Who does not know and did so hated. The First Amendment gives Americans the freedom of expression, but some ignorant people here just want their delusions that will be displayed. This is a disaster. A system that allows such a thing is bad.

bannheid said...

Well, it sounds as if you do not want to believe, even if they returned with new interviews with the astronauts. So I'll just say I think they were really there all landings --- and men and all but the F --- --- Well, I'm a very bright person who does not believe that everything you to see everything you hear and only 1 / 2 of what it shows. Unless, of course, there are indications that in this case. But "what "----

bear2488... said...

Real. However, it was reported that astronauts have found two empty bottles of vodka on the surface of the moon in the vicinity of the probe.
And this was the first report of the event: ...

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